Resolution on Protecting the United States Borders and Upholding the Rule of Law

Resolution on Protecting the United States Borders and Upholding the Rule of Law

Whereas, the United States of America has experienced an unprecedented humanitarian crisis due to open border policies,
resulting in death, pain, and suffering of innocent people;

Whereas, open border policies have instigated an increase in human trafficking and child endangerment, causing irreparable
harm to vulnerable populations;

Whereas, Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution requires the federal government to protect each state against
invasion, and the U.S. Code Title 8, Section 1182(f) authorizes the President to suspend the entry of aliens into the United
States to protect the interests of the United States;

Whereas, public functionaries, elected and unelected, have a duty and oath of office to protect the United States against
invasion and threats to Americans;

Whereas, certain non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have engaged in the assistance of illegal aliens, disregarding the
laws for legal immigration, and have subverted legal immigration laws for profit;

Whereas, the transportation of human beings illegally across the United States borders constitutes assisting an invasion by
foreign entities, which is a direct attack against the United States by adversaries and results in threats both foreign and

Be it resolved, that the United States shall immediately close its borders to all illegal entry, and initiate a mass deportation
of those who have violated legal immigration laws;

Be it further resolved, that all individuals, both within and outside the United States, who have engaged in the attack on our
borders and the interests of the people of the United States shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including but
not limited to American citizens involved being stripped of their citizenship and prosecuted for crimes against humanity if
found guilty;

Be it further resolved, that the United States shall cease all funding of NGOs that engage in the assistance of illegal aliens,
disregarding the laws for legal immigration, and shall investigate and prosecute any individuals or organizations that have
profited from the transportation, housing, and trafficking of human beings;

Be it further resolved, that the United States shall enforce its immigration laws and uphold the rule of law, ensuring that all
individuals seeking entry into the United States do so through the legal immigration process.

Be it further resolved that those who have been involved in subverting the process of protecting the United States borders
and upholding the rule of law, usurping authority never granted, harassing Americans, and violating the rights of any
individual of these United States of America shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Be it finally resolved that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Michigan, members of the Michigan
Legislature, and other relevant public functionaries to express the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan's instruction of public
functionaries on protecting the United States borders and upholding the rule of law according to the protections of our

US Taxpayers Party of Michigan

Resolution of Elimination of Corrupt Voting Systems, and Return to Paper Ballots, Hand Count, Precinct Level Reporting

Resolution of Elimination of Corrupt Voting Systems, and Return to Paper Ballots, Hand Count, Precinct Level Reporting

Whereas, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" (US Const.
Art 4 sec 4) and elections are an integral part of such government and must be conducted in a free and fair manner, ensuring
the trust and confidence of the electorate;

Whereas, the responsibility of individual states to uphold the validity of election results, ensuring that the outcome
accurately represents the will of the people, and guaranteeing the integrity of the electoral process;

Whereas, it is vital that no election information or data be processed or stored outside the borders of the United States,
safeguarding the security of the electoral process and the State of Michigan;

Whereas, some electronic voting systems, which facilitate the counting and recording of votes, is owned by companies of
foreign nature, potentially compromising the independence and reliability of the electoral system;

Whereas, credible concerns have been raised regarding foreign interference in U.S. elections, including confirmed attempts
by Russian actors to infiltrate Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails, breach state voter databases, and conduct
disinformation campaigns during the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, with additional allegations in subsequent elections of
attempted cyberattacks and influence campaigns by China, Iran, and North Korea (Russian Interference; Chinese and
Iranian Influence; North Korean Cyber Attacks);

Whereas, the security and transparency of election infrastructure, particularly the software used by private companies
providing electronic voting systems, have been called into question by experts who emphasize the potential vulnerabilities
of these systems, further exacerbated by disinformation campaigns that seek to undermine public trust in election results
(Lack of Transparency and Vulnerability; Disinformation Campaigns Targeting Election Integrity);

Whereas, electronic voting systems, including but not limited to machines and software, posses internet connectivity ability,
and during recent elections, numerous instances were reported where these machines were found connected to the internet
despite security protocols in place;

Whereas, the ability to control electronic voting systems remotely raises concerns about the potential manipulation and
alteration of vote outcomes, undermining the fundamental principles of our republic;

Whereas, hand-counting ballots in precincts has proven to be a safe, efficient, and transparent method of conducting
elections, ensuring accuracy and maintaining public confidence;

Therefore, be it resolved, the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan opposes the use of all electronic voting systems in any future

Be it further resolved, the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan demands the return of free and fair elections, where the counting
and recording of votes are conducted through secure, transparent, and audit-able methods, ensuring that all citizens can
exercise their right to vote without any undue influence or interference.

Be it further resolved, the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan will actively advocate for and support initiatives that promote
the adoption of secure, transparent, and audit-able electoral practices, in order to restore faith in the democratic process, the
beginnings of our republic, to ensure the integrity of elections.

Be it further resolved, all elections shall be conducted on a single day (as outlined in Article 2 Section 1, “ The Congress
may determine the Time of chusing [sic] the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be
the same throughout the United States.”, with results reported at the precinct level.

Be it further resolved that those who have been involved in subverting our lawful electoral process, usurping authority never
granted, and violating the rights of any individual of these United States of America shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent
of the law.

Be it finally resolved that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Michigan, members of the Michigan
Legislature, and other relevant public functionaries to express the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan's opposition to
subversion of free and fair elections according to the protections of our Constitutions.

US Taxpayers Party of Michigan

Resolution for the Immediate Cessation of Payments and Support to Non-Citizens

Resolution for the Immediate Cessation of Payments and Support to Non-Citizens

Whereas, the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution requires equal protection of the laws to any person,
while not abridging the privileges of citizens, the United States of America has a duty and obligation to prioritize the direct
interests and well-being of its citizens, ahead of non-citizens;

Whereas, the allocation of resources to non-citizens, such as payments for housing, medical care, education, and food
subsidies, are a violation of this duty;

Whereas, this usurpation of authority to make such provisions is an unconstitutional act, which is "not a law; it confers no
rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as
though it had never been passed" (Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 - 1886); and is thus a clear violation of the Oath
of Office;

Whereas, We The People have a right to transparency in the allocation of our tax dollars and accountability to guard against

Therefore, be it resolved, that these united States shall immediately cease all payments and support to non-citizens for
benefits including but not limited to:
1. Housing
2. Medical care
3. Education
4. Food subsidies

Be it further resolved, that a full report shall be provided to We The People detailing the exact amount of payments made to
non-citizens, as well as the departments and agencies involved in funding these payments, with accountability demanded
upon the individual public functionaries who are in violation of the Oath of Office.

Be it finally resolved, that these united States shall prioritize the needs and well-being of its citizens and ensure that
resources are allocated in a manner that is consistent with its duty and obligation to protect and serve the direct interests of
the American people.

Be it further resolved, that those who have been involved in initiating and/or enforcing payments and support to noncitizens,
usurping authority never granted, harassing Americans, and violating the rights of any individual of these United
States of America.

Be it finally resolved, that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Michigan, members of the Michigan
Legislature, and other relevant public functionaries to express the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan's opposition to the
payments and support to non-citizens according to the protections of our Constitutions.

US Taxpayers Party of Michigan

Resolution for Repealing “Red Flag” Laws

Resolution for Repealing “Red Flag” Laws

Whereas, the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights protects the unalienable and natural rights of the people to keep and
bear arms granted to us by our Creator, and this right is necessary to the security of a free state; including specifically as a
protection throughout history against a tyrannical government which has established a pattern of direct attack against its
own people;

Whereas, the Second Amendment is not subject to any qualifiers or alterations, and it “shall not be infringed”;
Whereas, Thomas Jefferson defined “infringement” in the Statute on Virginia’s Religious Freedom in 1786 as “to repeal or
narrow the operation of a natural right”;

Whereas, “red flag” laws (Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, MCL 691.1801 et seq.) infringe upon the natural rights of
individuals to keep and bear arms “for the defense of themselves and of their State” (MI Constitution Article 1 Sec 6);
Whereas, “red flag” laws have been, and are expected to be, used to harass and intimidate law-abiding Americans, which
result in the violation of their Second Amendment rights;

Whereas, we find that those involved in initiating and executing “red flag” laws and violating the rights of Americans are
currently not held accountable for their actions;

Whereas, the unwarranted seizure of firearms or any other property is a violation of the natural rights of the people
protected by the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution;

Whereas, any law to repeal the rights of the people to keep and bear arms would be nothing more than pretended
legislation (Declaration of Independence), and every enforcement of them would be a criminal usurpation;

Whereas, The Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of
Michigan are the Supreme Law and Authority of the Land. As such, they cannot be suspended or,
under any circumstances, infringed upon, and are to be used in any legal matters in question [Marbury v.
Madison 5 US 137, 1803].

Now, therefore, be it resolved that all “red flag” laws be repealed immediately;

Be it further resolved that the right to defend oneself, one's property, and one's family against any threat foreign
or domestic is a fundamental right that shall be upheld and protected;

Be it further resolved that those who have been involved in initiating and/or enforcing “red flag” laws, usurping
authority never granted, harassing Americans, and violating the rights of any individual of these United States of
America to keep and bear arms shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law;

Be it finally resolved that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Michigan, members of the
Michigan Legislature, and other relevant public functionaries to express the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan's
opposition to the “Red Flag” Laws according to the protections of our Constitutions.

US Taxpayers Party

Resolution for Nullification and Remedy for the 2020 General Election

Resolution for Nullification and Remedy for the 2020 General Election

Whereas, in light of the ongoing concerns and debates surrounding the legitimacy of the
November 3, 2020, General Election, and the failure to conclusively prove or disprove the
numerous allegations of irregularities and potential maladministration and fraud, the following
resolution is hereby enacted;

Whereas, the Declaration of Independence asserts that governments derive "their just powers
from the consent of the governed," and that when a government becomes destructive of the
people’s rights, "it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new
Government." In this case, the significant concerns regarding the integrity of the 2020 General
Election threaten the consent of the governed, and thus corrective action is necessary to restore
public confidence in the electoral system;

Whereas, Article II, Section 1 of the United States Constitution grants states the power to appoint
electors for presidential elections, and this authority must be exercised in a manner that ensures
transparency, fairness, and adherence to established law. The actions of public functionaries
involved in conducting our elections must align with constitutional protections of due process
and equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment;

Whereas, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the people's right to
petition their government for redress of grievances, and the widespread concerns about the 2020
election represent a legitimate exercise of that right, demanding that these concerns be addressed
through transparent and lawful means;

Whereas, the Michigan Constitution and Michigan Compiled Laws, including MCL 168.765a
(absentee ballot verification) and MCL 168.861 (contested elections), outline specific procedures
for absentee voting, voter identification, and election transparency, and violations of these laws
undermine the validity of the 2020 election;

Whereas, Anderson v. Celebrezze, 460 U.S. 780 (1983), established that election laws must
balance state control of elections with federal constitutional protections, particularly the rights of
voters and candidates, and that when state laws interfere with these rights, they must be carefully
scrutinized. The violations of Michigan election law, including absentee ballot verification, have
interfered with the constitutionally protected rights of voters to participate in free and fair

Whereas, the Federalist Papers, particularly Federalist No. 68 by Alexander Hamilton,
emphasize the importance of safeguarding the electoral process from corruption and undue
influence, and Federalist No. 51 by James Madison advocates for checks and balances, which
support the need for stringent oversight and transparency in the electoral process;

Whereas, Federalist No. 10 by James Madison warns against the dangers of factionalism and the
need to protect the public good from the influence of special interest groups, which could seek to
corrupt the election process, a concern directly relevant to the allegations of ballot harvesting and
improper election procedures during the 2020 election;

Whereas, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's unilateral changes to absentee ballot
signature verification procedures, which were issued without legislative approval, were ruled a
violation of the Michigan Administrative Procedures Act in Case No. 20-000091-MZ,
confirming that these changes were implemented without following the proper legislative

Whereas, concerns have been raised regarding the legality and propriety of the certification
process in the State of Michigan, including whether procedural violations or irregularities in the
certification of votes may have invalidated the election results, thus calling into question the
certification's legitimacy;

Whereas, the United States Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), established that
equal protection principles must be applied uniformly to all voters, and the failure to ensure this
uniformity during the 2020 election constitutes a violation of voters' constitutionally protected

Whereas, precedent exists in case law that highlights the importance of strict adherence to legal
procedures in elections to prevent violations of the principles enshrined in the Constitution:

 Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000): The U.S. Supreme Court held that the equal
protection clause of the 14th Amendment requires states to ensure that election
procedures, including vote counting and certification, adhere to consistent standards and
provide equal treatment to all voters. Any significant deviation or irregularity in these
procedures could render an election result invalid.
 Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962): Established the principle of "one person, one vote,"
underscoring that election laws and procedures must adhere strictly to constitutional
standards to ensure fairness and equity in the process.
 Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533 (1964): Reinforced the idea that election processes,
including certifications, must be conducted under the equal protection clause and that
states are bound by legal standards that prevent arbitrary or inconsistent certification
 Roe v. Alabama, 43 F.3d 574 (11th Cir. 1995): Demonstrated that certification
processes in state elections must adhere to the rule of law, and deviations from legally
established procedures could potentially nullify an election outcome if these deviations
undermine the integrity of the results.

Whereas, allegations of widespread ballot harvesting and absentee voting irregularities are
documented in multiple sources, including the documentary "2000 Mules," which presents
geolocation data and surveillance footage purportedly showing coordinated efforts to deposit
large numbers of ballots into drop boxes, in violation of state and federal election laws;

Whereas, affidavits, witness testimonies, and expert reports submitted in various state legislative
hearings, including those in Michigan, allege significant procedural irregularities, such as
restricted poll observer access, improper handling of absentee ballots, and inconsistent
application of election laws, which undermine public confidence in the integrity of the 2020

Whereas, the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection and due process to all citizens,
and the irregularities described constitute violations of these rights protected by the Constitution,
as certain voters were treated unequally in the administration and counting of their ballots;

Whereas, Federalist No. 39 by James Madison underscores the principle of federalism, ensuring
that the states have control over their elections, which must be consistent with federal
constitutional protections, and any violation of state election laws, such as those identified in
Michigan, threatens this balance;

Whereas, the Declaration of Independence affirms the right of the people to alter or abolish any
government that fails to protect their fundamental rights, including the right to free and fair
elections, and the allegations of widespread maladministration, fraud and irregularities
necessitate immediate action to protect the integrity of future elections;

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the results of the November 3, 2020, General Election are
hereby nullified due to substantial concerns regarding the legitimacy and integrity of the election
process, and the potential violations of constitutional principles, state and federal law, and
judicial precedent;

Be it further resolved, that due to significant concerns about the legality and constitutionality of
the certification process in the State of Michigan, there is cause to question the validity of the
election results certified by the State of Michigan, and therefore, the election should be nullified
pending a full legal review;

Be it further resolved, that the United States must ensure that all future elections, including the
certification of election results, adhere to the strict standards established by the United States
Constitution, the Michigan Constitution, and relevant federal and state laws to maintain public
trust and uphold the principles of a representative form of government;

Be it further resolved, that all subsequent elections conducted under the presumption of the
legitimacy of the 2020 election results are also nullified, and a special election shall be
immediately scheduled and conducted to fill all offices affected by the nullification of the 2020
election and subsequent elections;

Be it further resolved, that the special election shall be conducted under the most stringent and
transparent standards of election integrity, including but not limited to:

a. Voter identification requirements to determine legal citizenship and appropriate precinct
assignment based on residence;
b. Strict chain of custody procedures for ballots;
c. Recording, monitoring, and auditing of vote counting;
d. Open and accessible processes for challenging and verifying election results;
e. Voting in private, with hand-counting conducted in public with redundant counting;
f. Reporting at the precinct level and publicly accessible;

Be it further resolved, that the special election shall be overseen by a multipartisan local
commission of respected and trained legal and election experts, with equal representation from
major and minor political parties, as well as independent observers, in keeping with Federalist
No. 51’s principle of ensuring proper checks and balances in the electoral process;

Be it further resolved, that all candidates for office in the special election shall be subject to the
same standards of transparency, disclosure, and accountability;

Be it further resolved, that the results of the special election shall be final and binding, and any
challenges or disputes shall be resolved through a fair and impartial process conducted at the
local level with no interference from the state. Reporting shall be conducted at the precinct level
and called into the county and state authorities;

Be it further resolved, that the nullification of the 2020 election and subsequent elections, and the
holding of a special election, shall not be construed as an admission of guilt or wrongdoing by
any individual or entity. However, an immediate investigation and audit of all election processes
and the actions of individuals involved in certifying the 2020 election shall be initiated, in line
with Federalist No. 68's focus on election integrity and protecting the process from undue

Be it further resolved, that this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and
shall remain in effect until the special election has been completed and the results have been

Be it further resolved, that the provisions of this resolution shall be enforced by all relevant
authorities, and any attempt to interfere with or obstruct the special election shall be subject to
the full force of the law;

Be it further resolved, that this resolution is adopted in the interest of restoring faith in the
electoral process, protecting the integrity of our Republic, and upholding the constitutional
principles upon which this nation was founded.

It is hereby notified that a special election shall be conducted to fill all offices affected by the
nullification of the 2020 election and subsequent elections. The special election shall be
conducted in accordance with the provisions of the attached resolution.
All relevant authorities and stakeholders are hereby directed to take immediate action to
implement the provisions of this resolution and to ensure the successful and transparent conduct
of the special election.

US Taxpayers Party of Michigan

Summary of Constitutional, Legal, and Foundational Principles:
 U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1: States' authority to regulate elections.
 First Amendment: Right to petition the government for redress of grievances.
 Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments: Due process and equal protection under the law.
 Tenth Amendment: State powers in election regulation.
 Declaration of Independence: Right of the people to alter or abolish a government that
does not secure their fundamental rights.
 Federalist Papers Nos. 10, 39, 51, and 68: Emphasis on checks and balances, protecting
against factionalism, and safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process.
 Anderson v. Celebrezze, 460 U.S. 780 (1983): Balancing state control of elections with
federal constitutional protections.
 Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000): Uniform application of election laws under equal
  Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962): Established the right of voters to have their
elections conducted in a manner that protects their constitutional rights.
  Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U.S. 533 (1964): Reinforces the necessity of fairness and legal
standards in election certification to comply with the equal protection clause.
  Roe v. Alabama, 43 F.3d 574 (11th Cir. 1995): Held that significant deviations from
state election certification laws could undermine the election's validity and warrant
 Michigan Court of Claims Ruling, Case No. 20-000091-MZ: Michigan Secretary of
State’s unlawful changes to absentee ballot verification.
 Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL 168.765a and MCL 168.861): Governing absentee
ballots and contested elections.
About the USTPM

The USTPM would like to challenge voters to get informed and take a proactive role in ensuring a good future for our posterity. Their well being is solely dependent upon our current actions.

We are a ballot qualified party, which means we can slate candidates and get them on the ballot each general election. We present them to you, the voter, for consideration.

Please take the time, do the research and vote for the most qualified.

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