Resolution on Protecting the United States Borders and Upholding the Rule of Law

Resolution on Protecting the United States Borders and Upholding the Rule of Law

Whereas, the United States of America has experienced an unprecedented humanitarian crisis due to open border policies,
resulting in death, pain, and suffering of innocent people;

Whereas, open border policies have instigated an increase in human trafficking and child endangerment, causing irreparable
harm to vulnerable populations;

Whereas, Article IV, Section 4 of the United States Constitution requires the federal government to protect each state against
invasion, and the U.S. Code Title 8, Section 1182(f) authorizes the President to suspend the entry of aliens into the United
States to protect the interests of the United States;

Whereas, public functionaries, elected and unelected, have a duty and oath of office to protect the United States against
invasion and threats to Americans;

Whereas, certain non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have engaged in the assistance of illegal aliens, disregarding the
laws for legal immigration, and have subverted legal immigration laws for profit;

Whereas, the transportation of human beings illegally across the United States borders constitutes assisting an invasion by
foreign entities, which is a direct attack against the United States by adversaries and results in threats both foreign and

Be it resolved, that the United States shall immediately close its borders to all illegal entry, and initiate a mass deportation
of those who have violated legal immigration laws;

Be it further resolved, that all individuals, both within and outside the United States, who have engaged in the attack on our
borders and the interests of the people of the United States shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including but
not limited to American citizens involved being stripped of their citizenship and prosecuted for crimes against humanity if
found guilty;

Be it further resolved, that the United States shall cease all funding of NGOs that engage in the assistance of illegal aliens,
disregarding the laws for legal immigration, and shall investigate and prosecute any individuals or organizations that have
profited from the transportation, housing, and trafficking of human beings;

Be it further resolved, that the United States shall enforce its immigration laws and uphold the rule of law, ensuring that all
individuals seeking entry into the United States do so through the legal immigration process.

Be it further resolved that those who have been involved in subverting the process of protecting the United States borders
and upholding the rule of law, usurping authority never granted, harassing Americans, and violating the rights of any
individual of these United States of America shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Be it finally resolved that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Michigan, members of the Michigan
Legislature, and other relevant public functionaries to express the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan's instruction of public
functionaries on protecting the United States borders and upholding the rule of law according to the protections of our

US Taxpayers Party of Michigan
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