Resolution for Repealing “Red Flag” Laws
Whereas, the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights protects the unalienable and natural rights of the people to keep and
bear arms granted to us by our Creator, and this right is necessary to the security of a free state; including specifically as a
protection throughout history against a tyrannical government which has established a pattern of direct attack against its
own people;
Whereas, the Second Amendment is not subject to any qualifiers or alterations, and it “shall not be infringed”;
Whereas, Thomas Jefferson defined “infringement” in the Statute on Virginia’s Religious Freedom in 1786 as “to repeal or
narrow the operation of a natural right”;
Whereas, “red flag” laws (Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, MCL 691.1801 et seq.) infringe upon the natural rights of
individuals to keep and bear arms “for the defense of themselves and of their State” (MI Constitution Article 1 Sec 6);
Whereas, “red flag” laws have been, and are expected to be, used to harass and intimidate law-abiding Americans, which
result in the violation of their Second Amendment rights;
Whereas, we find that those involved in initiating and executing “red flag” laws and violating the rights of Americans are
currently not held accountable for their actions;
Whereas, the unwarranted seizure of firearms or any other property is a violation of the natural rights of the people
protected by the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution;
Whereas, any law to repeal the rights of the people to keep and bear arms would be nothing more than pretended
legislation (Declaration of Independence), and every enforcement of them would be a criminal usurpation;
Whereas, The Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of
Michigan are the Supreme Law and Authority of the Land. As such, they cannot be suspended or,
under any circumstances, infringed upon, and are to be used in any legal matters in question [Marbury v.
Madison 5 US 137, 1803].
Now, therefore, be it resolved that all “red flag” laws be repealed immediately;
Be it further resolved that the right to defend oneself, one's property, and one's family against any threat foreign
or domestic is a fundamental right that shall be upheld and protected;
Be it further resolved that those who have been involved in initiating and/or enforcing “red flag” laws, usurping
authority never granted, harassing Americans, and violating the rights of any individual of these United States of
America to keep and bear arms shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law;
Be it finally resolved that copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Governor of Michigan, members of the
Michigan Legislature, and other relevant public functionaries to express the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan's
opposition to the “Red Flag” Laws according to the protections of our Constitutions.
US Taxpayers Party