I once volunteered for an hour a week to stand on a curb holding a pro-life sign. On one side of
the street was an abortion clinic. On the other side was a bus stop. Several times during my
time at the post, City of Lansing buses went past (Socialist Buses). Every bus had a driver.
Some of the buses had a passenger or 2 or 3.

Years ago, driving in Lansing, we occasionally would see a Socialist Bus. I always asked my
wife to take a look at it as we went by to see if the bus had more passengers or drivers. It was a
toss up.

In the productive sector (privately owned buses) operating losses come out of the owners'
pockets. The owners quickly learn not to send buses on any route unless there are enough
prospective riders to pay the cost of running a bus on that route.

We propose that in any transportation system operated by any unit of government, that all
expenses of operating that transportation system, including an ADEQUATE provision for the
currently earned portion of future pension and any other retirement benefits, be allocated
among and charged to currently elected executive and legislative officials of the appropriate unit
REVENUES. Losses on the Socialist Buses should be borne by and paid for by the responsible
elected officials!

Written by Joe Sanger
About the USTPM

The USTPM would like to challenge voters to get informed and take a proactive role in ensuring a good future for our posterity. Their well being is solely dependent upon our current actions.

We are a ballot qualified party, which means we can slate candidates and get them on the ballot each general election. We present them to you, the voter, for consideration.

Please take the time, do the research and vote for the most qualified.

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