Letter to Michigan Legislators

Below is a letter to Michigan Legislators from Jim Hafeman, the US Taxpayers Party candidate for State House of Representatives, 109th district.  Printed by permission.

Honorable Legislators, (Rhetorical questions; do a news release and press briefing to answer the below questions)

Please update your constituents on the status of your grievance in the Michigan Supreme Court. 

I can't seem to find it.  Is it filed as the PEOPLE OF MICHIGAN versus GRETCHEN WHITMER?   Perhaps you're just leaving it to Midwest Institute of Health, PLLC to carry you through the election?  Perhaps the Courts have been bought-and-paid-for with taxpayers' money so they'd drag their feet until the GOP loses their majority.

There is no reason why this dictatorett is still on the loose in Michigan; you had grounds to impeach when she used a government organization (LARA) for unlawful purposes by revoking a license without due process.  Thank God some Michigan citizens were motivated to do your job with a Recall Petition, but you all let it be contested, overruling the specific duties of the Michigan Board of Canvassers.  Who's running the State; only those with a law degree?      

May I ask why you all would approve a $62.8-billion appropriations when Whitmer has been flipping you off since March 10th?  Am I off by $60-billion?     

When did you all appropriate $1.1 million to build a fence at the Governor's Mansion?  Think how many potholes that money could fill in Marquette County!!!   Maybe the fence was funded with some loose-change COVID funds.

Why isn't the Secretary of State standing tall before you to explain why she used COVID funds for mail-in vote solicitations, which in itself is against the Michigan Constitution and an impeachable offense.

Who in Michigan was fired because they weren't even ready for a mild influenza outbreak like COVID-19? 

May I suggest that we do what Obama-Biden did with H1N1; stop testing and stop counting after 12,000 die and 265,000 get hospitalized. 

When did Whitmer actually treat the Upper Peninsula any different than she did Detroit?

Finally, perhaps you all may just want to go home and let Whitmer, Benson and Nessell run the State.  Evidently few of you serve any real purpose.     

Jim Hafeman

2020 USTP Candidate, 109th District

Michigan State House

Negaunee, Michigan 


 Gov. Whitmer: ‘Wear your mask’ to keep UP in Phase 5


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The USTPM would like to challenge voters to get informed and take a proactive role in ensuring a good future for our posterity. Their well being is solely dependent upon our current actions.

We are a ballot qualified party, which means we can slate candidates and get them on the ballot each general election. We present them to you, the voter, for consideration.

Please take the time, do the research and vote for the most qualified.

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